Heads up: Let the acceptor of the transfer of billing responsibility know which of their email addresses you used to submit the transfer request.
Good to know: If you have Wireless Account Lock turned on, you won’t be able to transfer billing responsibility to someone else—you’ll need to turn off the account lock first. Learn how to turn off Wireless Account Lock
If you have primary or secondary online access to the account, be sure that your account:
Is active and doesn't have a past due balance
Isn't an AT&T PREPAIDâ„ account and must be an individual consumer account
FYI: If your bill includes wireless and internet, home phone, or TV service on the same account, you'll have to contact us.
Info to know about transfer requests
Your plan, features, and pricing may change depending on your service agreement or offer eligibility. For example, if you had multiple lines, but only one is left after you transfer billing responsibility, you may have to choose a new plan or no longer qualify for an offer or discounted pricing.
You may see partial-month charges and/or credits on your next bill after the transfer is complete.
You'll receive one final prorated bill, which covers charges up to the date the transfer of billing was completed.
You must separate wireless from any other services before you start a request to transfer billing responsibility.
Wireless accounts
You can transfer one line or multiple lines on the same account.